Friday, 17 June 2022
Hello hello! This morning started as out cold and rainy, but rather windless. As we sailed out of Akureyri’s harbour, it appeared as if there was a food festival under way. Just before Hjalteyri, a big pod of harbour porpoises kept jumping through the waves, feeding frantically under a cloud of loud arctic terns. Even tough we were surprised about not finding any big cetaceans in this area, we found two humpbacks further up north, to the east of Hrísey island. Even tough the wind kept on rising throughout the day, these whales too appeared to be rejoicing and feeding just under the surface, as fluke sightings were overall scarce. Eyjafjörður, takk fyrir for your bountifulness!
Text & Images: Mada
Departures today: Classic: 09:00, 13:00 & 17:00, Express 10:00 & 14:00