Sunday, 19 June 2022
Hállo! Today Akureyri woke up to cloudy skies and raging winds. We still made it out as the conditions got better as we moved away from the harbor and, in spite of the furious southwest winds, it was a whale finding day! The way up north was filled with the sounds of gusting winds and arctic terns feeding along the west coast of the fjord. Just south of Hrísey, we found two humpback whales and one of them seemed particularly interested in us. It slowly approached Hólmosol, no further than 2 meters apart, with wings spread wide open to the sides of the body. It was a beautiful, magical encounter. There ain’t no winds high enough to keep us away from our gentle giants!
Text & Images: Mada
Departures today: Classic 09:00, 13:00 & 20:30