Monday 20 June 2022

Captains Gummi and David got to test their viking blood today battling a hard northerly wind and rain in the ribs. Their intrepid efforts fully paid off with both 10 am ribs getting fantastic views of a pair of Humpbacks. Despite being unable to battle the stormy seas northwards Holmasol and Konsull were still treated to a beautiful pair of Minkes feeding just below Hjalteyri. The weather changed for the afternoon with our 13:00 pm classic enjoying amazingly sunny views of the fjord complete with Harbour porpoise and some uncommon birds such as whooper swans and red necked phalarope. As for the night tours we had and amazing change wearher with an amazingly flat sea and very sunny sky, but best part was spotting three diferent Humpback whales!!!

Text : Pete

Images : Gisela, Madalena, Pete

Departures : Classic tour 09:00, 13:00 & 20:30; Express tour 10:00 & 21:00


Tuesday, 21 June 2022


Sunday, 19 June 2022