Sunday, 31 July 2022
Hello there! Today the wind and the waves decided to share the sailing with us. In the morning tour we were lucky and didn’t need to go very far to spot our first whale of the day, we saw a very well known humpback whale named Zebra south Hjalteyri. We needed to be very patient with it because it decided to dive for long periods before returning to the surface. But in the end, it gave us a very nice view of its fluke. In the afternoon, we’ve got to spot the same humpback, but this time a bit further out, south Hrisey island. Its behaviour was very similar as in the morning, but we could still see it very well. For seabirds lovers the tours were also very interesting as we could see puffins, northern fulmars, arctic terns, black guillemots and many common murres. Do you know that when the common murre’s chicks leave the nest, the father is the one who will take care of it until the baby is ready to be by its own?
Text: Gema
Pictures: Gema
Departures: Classic 09:00, 13:00 & 17:00. Express 10:00 & 14:00