Sunday, 18 September 2022

Another beautiful day in the fjord! Today we could enjoy the sound of silence, broken only by the sweet sound of whales breathing. The weather was amazing and the water was like a mirror. in the morning tour we encountered our old familiars the two Northern bottlenose whales in the harbour. Then when we sailed further out we saw a Humpback whale south of Hauganes. While watching the Humpback whale we got a very nice surprise as we spotted a group of about 15-20 Pilot whales towards the East, perhaps it was the same group as last week as there was also a very small calve in this group.

In the afternoon we encountered the same group of pilot whales and we sure hope they will stay around for a while longer as they are so amazing to watch. And we also got great views of 2 Humpback whales.

We are all looking forward to another (hopefully) sunny and whaly day tomorrow.

Text: Anouk

Images. Gema & Anouk

Departures: Classic 9:00 & 13:00, Express 10:00


Monday, 19 September 2022


Saturday, 17 September 2022