Sunday, 4 September 2022

What an amazing day! Sun, blue skies, flat water and a lot of whales. Both in the morning and the afternoon we spotted 6 Humpback whales in the area close to Rauðavík. Several times the whales came up one after the other, very close to the boats, and we were just surrounded by Humpback whales. So we did not even have to move around much to get amazing sightings. Some of the whales were curious and even approached us to have a look. In the morning we also encountered a Minke whale on our way back towards Akureyri. We hope tomorrow will be just as incredible!

Text: Anouk

Images: Anouk

Departures: Classic 9:00 & 13:00, Express 10:00 & 14:00


Monday, 5 September 2022


Saturday, 3 September 2022