Sunday, 1 October 2023
No wind in the morning, it picked up slightly further north. In the afternoon it was also very calm further north but wind channeled through from the east in one section. Overcast cloud cover all day, with high and few lower clouds. Visibility was good.
We saw about 8 Humpback Whales between Hjalteyri, Hauganes and Grenivik in all our tours. Furthermore we spotted 1 Minke Whale south of the green buoy and 2 Harbour Porpoises south of Hjalteryi.
The encounters we had very very good with a few close ones, but mostly from about 50-100m away or more than that. We didn’t move around too much since whales were popping up somewhat everywhere.
The whales have been very relaxed, some in pairs, one group of 3 and one was surface resting.
Text & Photos: Jacob
Departures: Classic-1000 & 1400. Express-1000 & 1400