Saturday, 7 October 2023
The weather today was cold, but sunny and we sailed out with a bit of a swell, but generally good weather conditions.
The whales and our encounters with them were fantastic today! We sailed out and spotted the first blows north of Grenivík. We soon realized that we saw several Humpback Whales swimming next to each other! How exciting. They went for a dive one after the other and we counted five flukes in this group! So we encountered five Humpbacks swimming and surfacing together right there!
Further north, we encountered even more Humpback Whales and we counted at least 15 individuals in this area throughout the day with plenty of close encounters. What an incredible day!
Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departures of the day: Classic Tours 09:00 & 15:00 o’clock. Express Tour 10:00 o´clock.