Tuesday, 14 November

Weather: Similar strength southern wind to previous days. Fairly clear skies with sparsely spotted cumulus clouds.

We sailed to around the West of Grenvik where we made our first encounter. Here we saw 4 Humpback Whales. These whales were diving for short periods of time, a couple minutes, and surfacing fairly close. We could also see on the horizon many more blows located around a fishing boat to the north. We sailed there and stopped around the South of Hrisey. Here we witnessed what can only be described as a feeding frenzy as there were countless Humpbacks lunge feeding all around us. The same groups of whales from previous days were there and they were feeding cooperatively. We stayed completely stationary and observed the whales. At one point we found ourselves in the middle of a bubble net as you could see the spiraling bubbles all around us followed by whales lunging, mouths agape, literally meters from our boat. It was incredible.

Text & Pictures: Mac

Departures: 1300 Classic


Thursday, 16 November 2023


Monday, 13 November 2023