Monday, 6 November 2023
The weather conditions today were fairly tame compared to yesterday. There was a minor northern wind and very low visibility with snow on our way out, but, this cleared up shortly after the green buoy.
It was just north of the green buoy where we had our encounters, on our initial approach spotting 6 Humpback Whales in close proximity. Through the course of the tour these whales spread out and started to surface at different times meaning there was minimal time without a whale at the surface. We had a couple close encounters with one in particular where the whale surfaced just meters from the side of the boat.
On our return journey we saw several Harbour Porpoises, a Minke Whale and a local fisherman showed us the Cod and Haddock he had recently caught. He also showed the passengers a small Herring, the food which our whales were most likely feeding on.
Text & Pictures: Mac
Departures: 1300 Classic