Friday, 14 April 2023

Good afternoon! What an incredible day in Eyjafjörður! We sailed out with some swell, but overall good conditions. Just as we passed Hauganes, we spotted the first blow! When the whale resurfaced closer to us, we were able to see, that we were looking at a Finwhale! How exciting!
We had an extraordinary and beautiful encounter, the Finwhale kept resurfacing all around our boat in a very calm way after diving only for a few minutes at a time. We had several very close encounters and got to hear the breath of the whale as it resurfaced! It was incredible to get such a good look at a whale, that we usually do not see here in Eyjafjörður on a regular basis.
During our encounter with the Finwhale, we spotted another blow further north and decided to have a look at this whale, too. We encountered a Humpback Whale and got to watch this Humpback coming up to the surface a few times, before it was time for us to head back towards Akureyri.
And on our way back, we even spotted the Finwhale one more time!

Pictures & Text: Cheyenne

Departures today: Classic Tour 09:00 o’clock


Saturday, 15 April 2023


Thursday, 13 April 2023