Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Hello everyone! Today, we went out in calm, but cold weather conditions. But overall, the sailing conditions very great!
On both our morning and afternoon tour, we encountered Harbour Porpoises, plenty of birdlife, such as Northern Fulmars, as well as two Humpback Whales!
The Humpback Whales were both swimming just north of Svalbarðseyri, so we did not have to sail out far! We had plenty of great and up close encounters with them today. They both came up close to our boats and we got a fantastic look at them! The Humpback Whales are both relatively new in our fjord, we called one of them Oprah Whaley, this whale was first spotted earlier this month, and the second one was first seen by us yesterday and we named this Humpback Whale Magnum.
It is always so great to encounter new whales in our fjord, we cannot wait for the coming weeks to see the wildlife here in Eyjafjörður!

Pictures & Text: Cheyenne

Departures today: Classic Tour 09:00 o’clock, Express Tour 14:00 o’clock


Wednesday, 26 April 2023


Monday, 24 April 2023