Thursday, 22 June 2023

It´s been a day of more pairs than a humpbacks blowhole.

The 0900 classic started the day watching paired humpbacks gently diving together just next to Hauganes, a rarity for these generally solitary animals. Fittingly following this we had a marriage proposal onboard Holmasol!! Not everyday in the office for us but a fantastic way to start the day. Til hamingju for the happy couple.

This afternoon not a double but a triple! Our rib boat team had a third Humpback whale sighting a little bit up north just SE of Hrísey island. The 1700 classic had our favorite sighting pairing not only a humpback but playful white beaked dolphin also.

And the best show of the day happened during the mid night sun tours where the fjörd turned in to a complete mirror and we found ourselves surrounded by at least 5 Humpback whales and a couple of White-Beaked Dolphins, all of them spreaded around from SE Hísey to NE.

Text : Pete, Gisela

Pictures : Gisela, Georgia, Mac


Friday, 23 June 2023


Wednesday, 21 June 2023