Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Attention readers of the blog!

The weather today on the fjord started out windy, maybe too windy, then it got worse, then a little better, then by the evening it was just right. The Fjord was busy with life today and we were lucky enough to encounter 4 humpbacks, quite close together, from Grenvik up-towards the middle of Hrisey. The whales were showing a variety of behaviors with 1 individual fluking every other minute. as we started returning from our midnight tour this evening we were also treated with a surprise Minkie Whale that popped up close to both the rib and Holmasol to seal the deal on a great day.

Text & Pictures: Mac

Departures today: Classic Tour 1000, 2030. Express Tour: 10:00, 1700, 2100


Thursday, 22 June 2023


Tuesday, 20 June 2023