Thursday, 27 July 2023

Good evening everyone!

Today we sailed out on a cloudy day but with very nice sea conditions, perfect for enjoying the whales that we spotted.
In all the tours we had today, we had very good encounters with Humpback whales, in the morning we found them south Hrísey but then, in the afternoon and in the evening tours the whales made us to go further north, but as they behaved very calm and friendly the long sailing was 100% worth it, specially during the midnight tour, where we could enjoy the beautiful sunset and the magic colors on the mountains around. Midnight tour are almost coming to an end so if you didn’t join us yet you have to be quick, you wont regret it! We have also seen plenty of birds such as Puffins, Razorbills, Arctic terns, Northern fulmars and Guillemots.

We had beautiful encounters today with the whales of Eyafjorður and we are looking forward to coming back tomorrow, so see you out there!

Text & Pictures: Gema

Departures of the day: Classic Tours 09:00, 09:15, 13:00 & 20:30. Express Tours: 10:00 & 14:00 o’clock.


Friday, 28 July 2023


Wednesday, 26 July 2023