Friday, 22 September 2023

Whats up,

This day was amazing. Very best conditions in the morning. No wind, some saucy sunlight making the mountains golden. Not the snow on top though, it was very cold today. On our way out in the morning we encountered 1 Harbour porpoise and then 1 Humpback Whale, between the green buoy and Hjalteyri. After some time we left him alone and found 3 more Humpback whales a little bit further north in Raudavik. 2 of them were travelling together and one was huge.

An in the afternoon things only got better because we were able to spot the same humpbacks as in the morning plus 2 more Humpback whales just South of Hauganes.

A total of 6 Humpback whales over the day! it was sick!

All in all, a lovely day with a bit of a greeting with winter temperatures.

Text and photos : Jacob & Gisela

Departures of the day: Classic - 0900 & 1400 o´clock. Express - 1000, 1300 & 1400 o´clock


Saturday, 23 September 2023


Thursday, 21 September 2023