Monday, 14 October 2024

Whale hello there!

Most definitely winter is here. But we all know that the whales don’t mind the weather!

We had a partially cloudy morning, but the skies cleared up during the evening. At times, the fjord was a bit choppy, but it was incredible nonetheless. North of Hjalteyri in the Rauðavik area, the Humpback madness continues with around 10-15 Humpback whales!!

Some of the Humpbacks were feeding at the water surface so you could see the water being squeezed out through their baleen plates at times. Some of them calmly surface but there were so many whales in the surface, you didn’t really know were to look!

In the afternoon, however, we even added 2 Minke whales and about 15 Harbour porpoises to the mix. We encountered these hungry cetaceans all in the green buoy area, feeding under a big flock of birds.

Text and images: Jacob and Gisela

Tours of the day: Classic - 0900 & 1300 O’Clock.


Tuesday, 15 October 2024


Sunday, 13 October 2024