Saturday, 28th December 2024

Welcome to our daily blog, where we share what happens on our whale watching tours in the longest fjord of Iceland - Eyjafjörður. A reliable feeding ground for our favorite marine mammals.

Bit of southwestern wind persists, but nothing too serious to stop us from going out looking for the whales. Partly cloudy with an endless sunrise/sunset (you decide) in the southern skies. The sun is very shy these days, but it gives enough light to enjoy a good look at the whales.

We have not hesitated today to check out Pollurin right away. The chance was there and it would only mean 10 minute delay if we did not manage to spot them here. And it was just as we hoped. Both Humpback whales kept resurfacing side by side very frequently and close to us. From time to time we saw a bit of their tails and after about 40 minutes we decided that it is time to give them some space and move on. We took our boat past Svalbarðseyri and found a bunch of Harbour Porpoises, but they were a bit shy and apart from those that stayed outside patiently waiting to witness their presence, not many eyes got to see them. We turned around after this event just to see the Humpbacks again few more times before we return to the fishing harbour. The very end of our tour something unexpected happened. We got very lucky and managed to experience a rather rare behavior. After two proper deep dives followed by the guide saying, alright so this is probably goodbye wave from the whales. Literally just moments after it they lunged mouth open out of the water, a great spectacle - surface feeding in a pair. I would almost forget that we eventually managed to meet another pod of Harbour Porpoises to put a cherry on top of this grand finale. Definitely a special day even for an experienced whale watcher.

We are hoping that this situation persists and the whales will keep the show up for us in the upcoming days right here near the town of Akureyri.

Pictures & Text: David
Departure of the day: 11:00 o’clock Classic Tour.


Sunday 29, December 2024


Friday, 27th December 2024