Saturday, 1 June 2024

If there was a quality day for whale watching, it would have been today. With increasing sightings and weather conditions throughout the tours.
The wind was moderate starting in the harbor, it then became stronger coming through a valley from the southwest, but it didn’t matter much, because we found 8 Humpback Whales, from S Hjalteyri to N Rauðavik. The water was absolutely calm and even the sun came out, providing us with a little Icelandic sun tan.
It was very easy to spot the whales, since the water was very calm. We did encounter a pod of about 10 White Beaked Dolphins as well. One of our rib boats actually found a pod of about 50 individuals.
As a nice finish of one of the tours, a well know whale performed two tail throws right next to our boat.
We couldn’t wish for more!

Text & Photos: Jacob & Gisela

Departures: Classic - 0900, 0900, 1300 & 1700. Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock.


Sunday, 2 June 2024


Friday, 31 May 2024