Wednesday, 12 June

Whale hello there!

We had a very changing day in the fjord! We sailed off from Akureyri into a fjord completely covered in fog, but with a very calm sea. But, mid-way through the morning the fog started lifting because the northern wind started picking up. That left us with an amazing sunny day only a bit choppy and windy.

However, despite the low visibility, we had amazing, close encounters in all of our tours. We started our sightings with 4 Humpback whales south of Hjalteyri. But the sightings didn’t end there! Our bigger vessel, Holmasol also had an amazing morning, with 2 Minke whales and 6 Humpback whales feeding around them.

During the afternoon tours, we found a rather sneaky Minke north of Svalbarðseyri. We also encountered 3 Humpback whales and 1 Minke whale around south of Hjalteyri, but this time they were surfacing so close to us you could smell their breath!

The evening tour was magical with a breaching, tail throwing, and head-slapping Humpback Whale north of Hjalteyri to end off the day! An amazing sight to see!

Test and pictures: Gisela, Lindsey & DP

Departures for the day: Classic - 0900, 1000, 1300, 1700 & 20.30 o’clock. Express - 1000 & 1400 o’clock


Thursday, 13 June 2024


Tuesday, 11 June 2024