Sunday, 16 June 2024
The weather today was mixed, starting with a minor Northern wind in the morning that increased into the day. The sun was shining with patchy clouds, but, shorts were on.
We sailed to around Strytan in the morning where we saw a Humpback Whale and 2 Minke Whales. Further North than this, around Hjalteyri, we found many more Humpback Whales taking our total to around 7 or 8. These whales were behaving largely the same, diving for just a few minutes. One of these whales, however, treated us to some distant breaches and a head slap and 2 tail throws while closer.
The afternoon was largely the same, however, most of the whales from the morning were now further south around the area of the Green Buoy.
Text & Photos: Mac & David
Departures: Classic - 0900, 1300 & 2030. Express - 1000, 1400 & 2100