Monday, 24 June 2024

Whale hello there!

Today we had an amazing morning in Eyjafjörð, with a mirror-like sea and blue skies.

Sighting-wise, the morning was full of activity. Our first sighting was 2 Humpback whales between North of Svalbarðseyri and the green buoy. We were with them for some time, but to give them space, we ventured North since we spotted more blows in the distance. We found 1 Minke whale and 3 Humpback whales NE Green buoy.
We were delivered information around 11 AM about a Blue Whale spotted West of Grenivík and when we found out, it was already on its way further north into the deep ocean. There was no time to travel this far at that point for any of our boats. But we are so pleased to hear that the Greatest animal of all time ventured into our fjord -Eyjafjörður! Hopefully, we get to see it next time.

In the afternoon, it looked promising in the beginning but the wind picked up a little and out of a perfect day, we had to switch from t-shirts to jackets. Isn’t that just a typical day in Iceland?
Our plan was clear, we sailed back to the previous location North of Svalbarðseyri and found again at least 3 Humpback Whales and 2 Minke Whales, as well as a bunch of our beloved little rascals - Harbour Porpoises.
Time went by swiftly, as it is when you are having fun and we headed back with our heads full of good memories.

Let’s see what the late afternoon and midnight tour brings.

Text and images: Gisela, David & Yoann

Departures for the day: Classic - 0900, 1000, 1400, 1700 & 2030 o’clock. Express - 1000 & 1400 o’clock.


Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Sunday, 23 June 2024