Wednesday, 26 June 2024

We had a whale of a day in Eyjafjörður!

The morning weather couldn’t have been better. The mirror like surface, the sunniest of skies and the windless morning allowed us to spot a small pod of about 10 Harbour porpoises, travelling fast and porpoising right next to Sbalvarðseyri. After this cute first sighting we continued cruising all the way up to Hjalteyri, where we spotted 9 Humpback whales spread all the way up to NE Hjalteyri. But they were not alone, very close by NE Hjalteyri we also spotted 3 quite sneaky Minke whales.

During our afternoon tours, despite the naughty clouds covering the sky, and a slight wind creating some choppy waves. The sightings have continued to be amazing. With close encounters with all of our departures, plus a couple of extra Humpbacks who joined the initial 8. Leaving us with a total of 11 Humpback whales around NE Hjalteyri area, during the afternoon departures.

A little update here as time goes on. In the late afternoon we have again encountered up to a dozen of our beloved species - Humpback Whales. One of these giants wanted to make up for the other three that were just peacefully sleeping by the shore not showing much drama. So imagine this scenery, on one side of the boat we had three whales sleeping like babies and on the other side SHOWTIME, few tail throws with a massive splash to catch our attention followed by tail slapping, only to finish the show with few pectoral slaps. With this behavior comes plenty of theories of what it could mean. This time it seemed to be trying to take off the barnacles (parasitical crustaceans) of this skin, but we like to read it as a friendly greeting.

Such a day requires a lot of pictures, so there it is, we could not hold back this time!

It was just perfect!

Text & Photos: Lindsey, Gisela, David

Departures: Classic - 0900, 1000, 1000, 1300, 1700 & 2030. Express - 1000, 1100, 1330, 1400, 1600 & 2100 O’Clock


Thursday, 27 June 2024


Tuesday, 25 June 2024