Thursday, 27 June 2024
Today we had partly cloudy weather with moderate wind, and the sun was peeking out too.
On our morning tours we saw the smallest cetaceans in our fjord— Harbor Porpoises. They appeared several times very close to our ship, so our guests had the opportunity to see them up close. Although porpoises are very shy and usually avoid boats, today we were very lucky. And not only for them, today we also saw 4 Humpback Whales. And we didn't have to sail far to look for our whale friends. Two of them were close to Svalbarðseyri. One of them decided to come closer, so our guests had the opportunity to see the majesty of this whale and also their large pectoral fins. Humpback whales have white pectoral fins in the Atlantic Ocean. Everything white in the water turns turquoise… our guests became experts in finding whales since all they had to do was look for the turquoise colour and they immediately knew where the whale was. On the way back to the harbor, near Akureyri, we observed another blow— Another humpback whale..We also spent a few minutes with this whale and had the opportunity to see several deep dives and raised flukes..
In the afternoon there was a small pod of White Beaked Dolphins harassing a Humpback Whale just North of Hjalteyri.
Text & Photos: Mac & Lindsey
Departures: Classic - 0900, 0900, 1000, 1300, 2030. Express - 1000, 1400 & 2100 O’Clock.