Thursday, July 11 2024

Another day on the water!

The weather this morning was a little overcast, but the rain held off and we even saw a rainbow as the sun peeked out. We headed north past Hjalteyri where we saw at least 4 Humpback Whales. We had some nice dives showing their flukes. We also had an incredible breach by a humpback that was completely unexpected and very close to us! We also had some appearances by Harbor Porpoises and even a cheeky little Puffin which we were very excited about! The Puffin hung out with us for most of the tour, so cute!

In the afternoon, we still had windy conditions but the whales didn´t mind. We saw Humpback Whales again near Hjalteyri , but a little further south this time, and estimated it was at least 5 whales. We also saw another breach—this windy weather really seems to get the whales jumping, which is such a special event for us to witness. More energetic Harbour Porpoises joined us as we sailed back toward the harbour at the end of the day.

Although we had some waves today, we were happy to see our guests out on the decks having a great time and enjoying a little saltwater spray, which is all part of the whale watching adventure.

Text & Pictures: Lindsey

Departures: Classic Tours: 0900, 1000, 1300, 1400 & 2030 o’clock. Express Tours: 10:00 & 14:00 o’clock


Friday, July 12 2024


Wednesday, 10 July 2024