Sunday, 28 July 2024

Whales whales whales,

It was a beautiful morning; slightly cloudy, with not much wind, so it was feeling pretty warm. Our morning tours took us first south of Hjalteyri where we watched a Minke Whale. It was nice behaviour to see because Minkes are notorious for fast and elusive surfacing, but this one was nice and slow, giving us a good view of its back and dorsal fin.

Next, we headed south of Hrisey, where we spotted an incredible sight in the distance: the Northern Bottle Nose Whales were back in the Fjord! We were able to see their blows, but they can dive for up to 70 minutes (wow!), so we only got a peek at them. We were lucky to spend the remainder of our tour with three magnificent Humpback Whales who were all resting together near the surface.

In the afternoon we encountered the same Humpback Whale as in the morning, this time further south around the green buoy. Which breached one time right in front of us. He then went back to diving very long, so we went a little further to loop around, found 2 Minke Whales and went back to see the first Humpback. This guy then started lunge-feeding right next to us, showed his tail and then went on long dives again. Very interesting behaviour for sure but awesome to watch. There was also lots of food close to the surface which the whale was most likely feeding on.

Text & Pictures: Lindsey, Jacob

Departures: Classic - 0900, 1000, 1300 & 2030. Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock


Monday, 29 July 2024


Saturday, 27 July 2024