Tuesday, 9 July 2024

The wind today was coming from the South meaning our journey North was pretty pleasant. The wind dropped out through the day and left us with a very flat sea and clear sunny skies. It was very warm.

The sightings were as follows: 2 Humpback Whales by Dagverðeyri; 2 sleeping Humpbacks towards Strytan; 2 Minke Whales South of the Green Buoy; and 3 Humpbacks by Hjalteyri (as of the morning). We saw a mixture of behaviours including sleeping, travelling and diving deep.

A particular encounter of note was with a Harbour porpoise in the afternoon where it swam around our boat while we had our engine off. It kept returning to the boat and swam around us for a long while seemingly unphased. The clear water meant we could see the whole body under the water and everyone could hear the breath of the little fella, certainly a rare detail to experience. This was by far my best encounter with a Harbour Porpoise.

Text & Photos: Mac & David

Departures: Classic - 0900, 1000, 1300 & 1700. Express - 1000, 1030 & 1030 O’Clock.


Wednesday, 10 July 2024


Monday, July 8 2024