Saturday, 10 August 2024

We had a beautiful day today! The weather conditions were overall good, calm in the morning, but a little wind picked up throughout the day.
We spotted a few pods of Harbor Porpoises and plenty of birds along the way as well as two Minke Whales by Hjalteyri. On our morning tour, we encountered two Humpback Whales north of Hjalteyri. In the afternoon, we also spotted on Humpback all the way in Pollurinn, our harbor area of Akureyri! This was super excitinge and we were thrilled to watch very active lunge feeding. The whale lunged out of the water continuously with its mouth wide open! It was absolutely amazing to watch this behavior over and over again just outside our harbor. We also encountered the same feeding whale on our evening tour in the same area. What an incredible day with a total of three different Humpback Whales!

Text & Photos: Cheyenne, David, Gisela

Departures: Classic Tours: 09:00, 10:00, 13:00 & 17:00 o’clock. Express Tours: 10:00, 10:30, 14:00 & 17:00 o’clock.


Sunday, 11 August 2024


Friday, 9 August 2024