Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you!
The calm days, where temperatures drop deep below 0°C degrees are mostly windless. Today, the coldest parts of the fjord were reaching -15°C. Although the sky was mostly cloudy, these were promising conditions to start with.
Set sail right at 11:00 and we headed to take a little peek at Pollurinn - the harbor area right next to the town of Akureyri. Seemingly no whale activity here happening. We have spotted just 4 or 5 Harbour Seals resting on the thin ice sheet close to the shore, but as they are shy creatures, we had no chance of getting any close to inspect their curvy shapes. We moved on and stumbled upon two Humpback Whales a little North of Svalbarðseyri. After that they both swam their own way. One went North the other zig-zagging towards the town in the southern direction. As the light conditions were a bit flat, we had been facing a challenging task to keep track of where the whale heading south was going. We got lucky to see a surface lunge feeding for a moment and a few times we have seen everyone’s favorite deep dive with a lifted tail flashing us before it disappears in the depths of the waters.
At certain moments the whale seemed to dissolve into nowhere and we have started scouting for it. It appeared that no matter how hard we try, we could not find it again.
Wild animals prove to be wild and highly unpredictable, but we are happy that we have managed to have a good look during the tour anyway.
Pictures & Text: David
Departure of the day: 11:00 o’clock Classic Tour.