Saturday, 4 January 2025

Another calm day in the fjord with cold but good sailing weather!
We spotted a group of four Humpback Whales south of Grenivík today. At first, we saw the blow of one Humpback, which was swimming by itself. Soon enough, this individual was joined by more whales and we got to count four Humpbacks together. These Humpbacks continued to swim and surface together, their deep dives got a bit longer throughout our tour, but were still within our normal average. This group also stayed at the surface for a few minutes at a time, which made it possible for us to watch them very well as they resurfaced!
Further north, we spotted at least two more Humpback Whales, which were continuously seen resurfacing in the distance throughout our tour.

Pictures & Text: Cheyenne
Departure of the day: 11:00 o’clock Classic Tour.


Sunday, 5 January 2025


Friday, 3 January 2025