Thursday, 20 February 2025

Today felt almost like summer:-) with a pleasant +8°C temperature, barely a breeze, and a fjord so calm it looked like a lake. We didn’t have to sail far before spotting our first cetaceans—harbor porpoises popping up alongside the boat. They were absolutely adorable, their triangular dorsal fins easily distinguishing them from dolphins. Compared to the more playful dolphins, these porpoises were smaller, chunkier, and a bit more shy around the boat.

Soon after, our captain spotted something much bigger surfacing in the distance—it was Piccolo, the humpback whale! First appearing on the west side of the fjord, then moving towards the east, very close to Svalbardseyri. Piccolo seemed to be on the move, likely searching for a better feeding spot. We were lucky enough to see the whale’s unique white fluke rise out of the water a few times as it continued its search for food.

While Piccolo was diving below the surface, we had the chance to learn more about these incredible gentle giants. In between sightings of the humpback, we caught glimpses of the harbor porpoises again, their small dorsal fins popping up here and there.

On days like this, with such incredible weather, we not only get to see these amazing creatures but also hear their rhythmic breaths, adding to the magic of the moment. It’s one of those rare experiences that leave you feeling connected to the ocean and its magnificent inhabitants.

Pictures & Text: Lenka
Departure of the day: 13:00 o’clock Classic Tour.


Friday, 21 February 2025


Wednesday, 19 February 2025 (Copy)